Here you will find information and contact info that will allow you to quickly resolve any problems you may have with your home at any time.

If at any time you have a fire or any life-threatening emergency, please call 911 immediately. Please note their is a $25 fee to page maintenance with non-emergency issues. Maintenance emergencies are as follows: Flooding, no water, no heat below 55F, and no A/C above 80F, sewage backup, refrigerator or stove not working, severe gas smell, un-securable doors or windows. If and only if you have one of the above emergencies, immediately call maintenance with the issue.

For general maintenance and any non emergency property issues please e-mail us by clicking HERE.

For EMERGENCY issues ONLY please call 614-599-5772

To review a copy of your lease agreement you can click HERE.

COLUMBUS, OH   43235
Phone: 614-599-5772 Fax: 614-424-8371